Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Leinenkugel’s Brewery

I went to Leinenkugel’s Brewery with my classmates. That was an excursion in ESL class. I have learned about history of Wisconsin. So we have to visit the popular place in WI. I never thought I will see how people make beer. It is illegal in Saudi Arabia. It is religion issue. In this trip I didn’t taste beer, but I learned how to make beer. It was interesting thing to me. I learned that in the 3th biggest brewery in US and 7th oldest brewery in US. In 1867, Leinenkugel’s Brewery started to work. Christain Leinenkugel had ten children. His sons Mathias and Heinrich learned to brew beer form their father. Mathias married Maria Schneider in 1834. Then they moved America in 1845. They had land in WI that was perfect land for beer. Mathias had 4 children. Joseph is the second son moved to Eau Clair-WI to establish a brewery, and another son opened brewery in Baraboo-WI. Also Jacob Leinenkugel moved to Chippewa Falls after he married in 1865 to have own brewery there. Then in 1867 he built his brewery Spring Brewery with his friend John Miller. They did all work together because there were no employed. After that Jacob’s family continued developed the brewery. That was the first generation in the history of Leinenkugel’s Brewery. Then four generations continued that. To make beer they used for main ingredients water, starch source, yeast, and flavoring (hops). They had 7 steps to make beer. First step, mashing or mixed grains with water and heated to make sugar. Second step, Lautering that means separate the grains. Third step, boiling to sterilize what's left and adding hops. Fourth step, fermenting means cooling the wort by adding sterile air to the liquid then adding yeast. Fifth step, conditioning means cooling the beer. Seventh step, filtering means take the yeast out of the beer. Finally, put the beer in bottles.

Now, they have built a new addition to the brewery and the have new equipment. We toke a tour inside the factory. They offer many different samples of beer. They produce 7 year-round and 4 seasonal brews. They also have gift shop like beer glasses and a T-shirt.

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