Monday, August 15, 2011

The Chippwa Valley Museum

In ESL 350 class we visited the The Chippwa Valley Museum. It has three parts. The first part talked about Native American, the second part talked about farm life, and the third part talked about building towns.

We learned a lot of information about Native American. Many years ago, there were different tribes lived in Northwestern Wisconsin or the Chippwa Valley. They looked for any area that has food to live there. So they moved to different place. They lived in houses that made of wood, birch tree, and animal's skin, and 5-8 members lived in the same house. In the Chippwa Valley there were many kins of animals like badger, porcupine, whitetail deer, and others. The Native American used canoe for transportation to find rice in the river. In the winter they ate sap; it is healthy food comes from trees. They also ate fish and meat. Everyone worked hard to find food. So they had tough life.

After that we learned about farm life. The colonies came to WI to have new land. They found good land to farm. they had big farms cranberries, maple syrup, sweet corn, green peas, and dairy farm. They also had pets in their farms.

The third part talked about how people in WI made the economics by railroads and lumber industry. The lumber companies used the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes to transport the lumber from the forests. They worked hard to do that. As a result, WI became the top lumber producing stat in US.

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